WZW :: The Plague 1.3d

WZW :: The Plague 1.3d - Warcraft 3: Custom Map avatar

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Map description

Fixed dark green starting with a port.

Map details

Last updated

27 January, 2019

Suggested players

Full House


Lordaeron Summer


244 x 185


Warcraft 3: Reforged compatible

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Not yet tested with Warcraft 3: Reforged.

Map versions
In total 8 map versions for WZW :: The Plague

WZW :: The Plague 1.3d newest version
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WZW :: The Plague 1.3c
Fixed heros becoming unrevivable if being revived at the time a city was captured.
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WZW :: The Plague 1.3c - Warcraft 3 Custom map: Mini map

WZW :: The Plague 1.3b
Removed Spiked Barricades upgrade, as it somehow caused a fatal error. Plan to re-impliment this somehow in future updates, for now just sit tight with only 5% damage return.
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WZW :: The Plague 1.3b - Warcraft 3 Custom map: Mini map

WZW :: The Plague 1.3a
AI update. Notice: USE AIs as spairingly as possible! They are known to cause lag, a glitch that I cannot fix! UI fixes/changes. Made Saber Jabers cost more. Gave Siege Engines the ability to load units. Made Naval upgrades worth the money for humans.
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WZW :: The Plague 1.3a - Warcraft 3 Custom map: Mini map

WZW :: The Plague 1.3
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WZW :: The Plague 1.3 - Warcraft 3 Custom map: Mini map

WZW :: The Plague 1.2
Gave yellow and teal a little more space inbetween them. Fixed an issue that may occur with anti-rush and boats. Added Iceland. Added new zombie unit: Zombie Swarmer.
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WZW :: The Plague 1.2 - Warcraft 3 Custom map: Mini map

WZW :: The Plague 1.1
Added hawaii and Antarctica. Also added a time limit for mini zombies. Removed Siege Engine AA. Increased bombarder splash damage radius. Fixed cities moving after being infested by zombies. Added night and day. Yellow is now a zombie player.
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WZW :: The Plague 1.1 - Warcraft 3 Custom map: Mini map

WZW :: The Plague 1.0
Official Re-Release of World Zombie Wars. The map has been cleaned up a little for the Hiveworkshop.com release.
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WZW :: The Plague 1.0 - Warcraft 3 Custom map: Mini map
WZW :: The Plague 1.3d - Warcraft 3: Mini map

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