Warcraft 3: Reforged - Where is the custom map folder / download folder located on my machine?


The map download folder or map custom folder is located in your user documents folder. This is the default Warcraft 3: Reforged map location folder. Please note that <YourUserName> must be replaced with your windows username.

Path: C:\Users\<YourUserName>\Documents\Warcraft III\Maps


The map download folder or map custom folder is located in your Library user directory.

Path: ~/Library/Application Support/Blizzard/Warcraft III/Maps/

Warcraft 3: Reforged - How to chat / write in game lobby chat?

You can leaf through all types of chat rooms by putting the cursor into the chat field and pressing the tabulator key or "TAB" key. In this way you can choose between:

  • Public chat room
  • Lobby / Game chat
  • Private chat with other player