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Strategy Map based on the Warcraft III TFT to WoW timelime.
This map does not support HD mode graphics.
Last updated
11 January, 2025
Suggested players
Full house
Lordaeron Summer
380 x 458
Warcraft 3: Reforged compatible
This is an official map. The map is updated and suppported by: Hahay. Join us on discord to get in touch with the map developers.
This map is compatible with Warcraft 3: Reforged. This map only supports SD / Classic Graphics in Warcraft 3: Reforged.
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- fixed pathing issues
- fixed Frozen Throne model
- fixed Sindragossa portrait
- Naval units cant attack Arcane defense crystals (dalaran)
- changed some small crystal guardians to medium crystal guardians in Dalaran
- Crystal guardian (medium) hp increased from 500 to 590, attack increased by 15
- Crystal guardian (small) hp increased from 100 to 250, damage increased by 5
- Fixed revenant adept training
- Ice troll brawler is replacing Aman'ishi warrior after Ice Troll Solo Path
- Brigitte Abbendis: Scarlet Onslaught Banner HP reduced from 850 to 780
Scarlet Onslaught Banner CD changed from 25/20/15/10 to 25/21/19/15
-Ashtongue Farseer armor decreased from 6 to 1
- fixed Altar of Storms outland domination bug
- fixed Demon hunter limit bug
- Fixed few tooltips
- Fixed Illidan walking on water in non demonic form
- fixed Twillight-DI alliance icon after Firelands research
- pathing system improvements
- removed few rocks in Grim Batol and Searing gorge
- Wintergarde Keep name changed into New Hearthglen
- Honor hold Terrain changed
- Sin'dorei fel pact temporarily disabled
- Thandol Span hp decreased from 6000 to 4000
- New starting descriptions (thanks to Alexandros)
- Illidan mission now requires Black temple
- Illidan Mission grants Personal mission - Kill Frozen Throne / Lich king (grants 2 lvls for Illidan and 500g)
- Illidan now has new metamorphosis model
- Akama is revivable if Illidari control Black Temple
- fixed phoenix lvl 1 missing missile model
- removed units from island (BE)
- added a few more units in Quel’thalas
- Blood Elf no longer gets 100gold and wood at start
- Illidan can't walk on water now
- New solo path - Outland Domination
- Nerubian Healing wave heal increased by 40
- Nerubian seer damage increased by 2
- Ymirjar Warrior collision size changed from 32 to 24
- Ymirjar Huntress collision size changed from 24 to 16
- Nerubian Orb Weaver Collision size changed from 16 to 8
- Ahn'Kahet spell damage Amplification changed from 15% to 20%
- Scourge can train gargoyles (limit 6)
- KJ summon bug in twisting nether fixed
- Bestow Gift work only once
- Fixed Wolf cult + Argent dawn alliance
- Wolf cult Follower Backswing Point Nerfed 0.51>0.7
- Feral Instincts Cooldown increased from 3 to 10
- Alpha Prime Can’t summon Goldrinn After Tal’doren is destroyed
- Wolf cult corruption attack armor penalty decreased from -2 to -1
- Feral Worgen hp decreased by 50
- Bloodfang Druid Damage decreased by 4
- Alpha Prime Vampiric Aura decreased from 250/400/525/590 to 200/350/475/530
- Alpha Prime Feral Howl bonus damage decreased from 10/18/26/34 to 10/15/20/25
- Gervase Slam Damage nerfed to 160/200/270/360 (tooltip fixed)
- fixed timer for goldrinn summoning
- Wolf cult heroes spawning at lvl 1 bug fixed
- Argent dawn priest inner fire autocast fixed
- Arcane defense crystal range increased from 800 to 1100
- Dark iron golem armor type changed from summoned to heavy
- Dark iron betray implemented as research in research centre instead of ability on thaurissan
- Dark Iron sorcerer keybind and GUI position changed
- Dark rune mana restoration decreased from 150 to 45
- Shadowforge lord Combust now is on Q instead of R
- Dark Iron plot now has new icon
- Shadowforge lord bash changed into ‘Overclock’
- Ragnaros has new model
- Dark Iron now can build Cannon towers
- New Solo path - Reach into Firelands
- Blackhand Keeper now has inventory (2slots)
- Goraluk Angermaw now has inventory (2 slots)
- Doomsaw now drops upon death
- High Warlock now get Wise council after opening The Dark Portal
- Blackhand summoner frost armor mana cost decreased from 40 to 25 (autocast enabled)
- Dragonspawn overlord limit changed from 3 to 4
- Dragonspawn overlord damage increased by 4
- Dragonspawn overlord now has breath of fire and Incinerate
- Dragonspawn Overlord bloodlust removed
- Aerial aura is now called Draconic Aura (fixed tooltip)
- Fel Rider hp increased by 50
- Fel Rider damage increased by 2
- Fel Rider gold cost decreased from 33 to 30
- Warlock Damage increased by 2
- Switched Maghterison's W with Pit Lord's E ability
-Outland Domination changes
- Elder Frostwolf Roar works properly
- Kor’kron guard aftershock bug fixed
- Spirit guide now has emerald bolt instead of earth bind
- Kaboom damage decreased from 250 to 200
- Goblin land mine casting time increased from 0 to 2
- summoned succubus and eredars now have t2 and t3 spells
- Putress Debilitating aura range decreased from 1200 to 1000
- Plague Drenched arrow damage increased by 1
- plague drenched arrow now summons blighted ghoul instead ghoul
- summoned succubus and eredars now have t2 and t3 spells
- Stratholme Slaughterhouse mastery sludge belcher limit increase changed from 8 to 4 (12 in total)
- Stratholme Slaughterhouse mastery hp bonus decreased from 200 to 180
- Necromancer Curse changed into Mana force (mastery)
- Damned Mage Mana Force changed into feedback (mastery)
- Dalaran Exile feedback changed into animate dead (mastery)
- Maexxna health increased by 300
- Patchwork Health decreased by 300
- Maexxna Damage increased by 30
- Maexxna got 25% evasion
- Naxxramas can be targeted by ships
- Naxxramas speed slightly increased
- Crusaders zealot Eye for an Eye has been replaced with Desperate Plea; Self-centered AoE damage that increases with caster’s missing health
- Abbendis scales with Renault (levels)
- Renault gets bonus lvl after Scarlet Onslaught
- Abbendis armor decreased by 2
- Galen Trollbane have new model
- inquisitor missing spells fixed
- fixed shadow slash (bonus dmg vs living units)
-personal quest for SO:
- Jintha Alor port area slightly changed
- Added Requirement for loa Akil’zon > Zul’aman, Hakkar > Jintha’alor
- Zul’aman now has sacrifice Ability that shared cd with Jintha’alor
- Smoulderthorne now has new elite - Shadow Hunter
- Animal God Essence Hit point increase changed from 150 to 225 (Ice Troll)
- Animal God Essence attack damage bonus changed from 3 to 5 ( Ice Troll)
- Animal god essence gives additional hp regen
- Zul'aman base have more units
- gurubashi berserker hp increased by 50
- gurubashi berserker armor increased by 1
- added some trees near Dreadmaul Rock
- Revivification now regenerate additional 50 mana
- Revivification cooldown decreased from 120 to 90
- Gruul has new model
- Erudax underworld network’s spies ultimate is now normal spell (D) and require Yogg-saron
- yogg-saron event now gives 1 lvl instead 2 lvls for cho’gal
- Faceless one Damage increased by 2
- fixed warlock strike missing model
- Cho’gal Invoke The cataclysm (summon Deathwing) is blocked behind solo path
- New solo path - Whispers of the Old Gods
- Nightbane worgen movement speed increased from 200 to 240
- Bloodfang druid damage decreased by 2
- Feral Worgen Damage decreased by 3
- Alpha Prime Vampiric Aura stats changed
- Spirit Rider ethereal form removed
- Spirit Rider now has evasion (20%)
- Dire Frostwolf renamed into Elder Frost Wolf (requires Construct Frostwolf keep event [they're not tied to - Frostwolf keep!] )
- Elder Frost Wolf Hp increased by 100
- Elder Frost Wolf Limit changed from 10 to 6 (TH 0)
- Elder Frost Wolf now has Battle Roar
- Scarlet inquisitor missing spells fixed
- Onslaught Banner HP reduced from 1000 to 850
- Abbendis base hp decreased by 200
- Barean base hp increased by 250
- Restore Scarlet Monastery spawns Herod (elite unit)
- Mal'Ganis now has permament invisibility
- Mal'ganis Band of Guile now summon Infernal
- Mal'ganis base hp increased by 200
- Mal'ganis base armor increased by 3
- Mal'ganis base damage increased by 15
-Mortal strike damage increased:
- Fanaticism MS and AS increased:
-Mal'Ganis Howl of terror Damage debuff increased:
- Mal'Ganis Howl of terror now decrease armor and mana regeneration
- Torment (Scarlet Onslaught Risen footman) Damage increased by 100
- Arathor charge damage decreased by 2 (on all lvls)
- Mar'uk wyrmscale default active ability flame axe fixed
- Ships can't attack Dragonmaw Port
- Dragonmaw port re-terrain
- Wolf Cult Can train feral worgens
- Longbow Craftsmanship works on militia archers
- fixed lvl skip requirement for worgen charge
- Goldrinn starts without spells
- Tess now has summon worker item
- Son of Arugal renamed to Gilnean Elite
- Son of Arugal model changed
- Mountain kings no longer require Bronzebeard glory
- Ironforge gets more units
- Added Gryphon Aviary in Iron Forge
- Bronzebeard glory gold decreased from 250>200
- Wildhammer might gold decreased from 250>150
- Scarlet Onslaught - path of light is back again
- Crimson Chaplain food cost changed from 0 to 1
- Raven priest food cost changed from 2 to 1
- Scarlet Onslaught (both) gold/wood cost decreased from 200/200 to 150/150
- Abbendis spawns with scroll of town portal
- Scarlet Onslaught research time decreased from 60 to 40
- Crimson Champion now has Anti Piercing Plating
- Raven Dreadnaught now has Anti Piercing Plating
-Eco Dome is considered a building
-Old research centre area removed
Blood Elves
-Lieutenant Dawnrunner doesn't have Hide any more
- Dreadlords are no longer able to tp to research centre area
Dalaran Remnants
-Leavers should now properly grant subpath boni to New Dalaran
-Reformed Alliance will now unally Dalaran from other alliance members(only matters for leaver allies)
-Jaina can trigger Wyrmrest Quest/Reward
-Fixed missing Night Elf ships in purple's subpath
-Hide has been removed from Son of Arugal(Worgen)
-Added Wolf Cult workers/elites to Ambermill and Gilneas City
-Galen should no longer be available to Wolf Cult/Gilneas
-Fixed critical bug with Alpha Prime's Q ability
-Arugal has Summon Worgen Workers
-Fixed Ancient Favour unit summon count 4->5 as intended
-Primal Hunter's Feral Rage no longer grants damage immunity
-Feral Rage Mana Cost increased 0->45
-Fixed Emerald Shield tooltip and functionality
-Wolf Cult can drain Sunwell
-Gilneas Elites should no longer be available to Wolf Cult
-Feral Instincts mana cost 18->35
-Feral Instincts no longer works on mechanical units
-Feral Instincts is on autocast
-Alpha Prime ult duration nerfed 30/35->12/18 seconds
-Night Aura no longer works on mechanical units
-Bloodfang Druid Base Mana reduced 550->250
-Mana regeneration 0.72->0.5
-Moonfire mana cost 80->120
-Mass Entangling Roots Mana Cost 75->105
-Emerald Shield Mana Cost 80->115
-Ancient Bat Base ground damage changed from 60-85 to 36-51
-Defeaning Screech can only target air(as intended)
-Druid of the Scythe unlimited bug fixed
-Moonstone duration 30->10, Cooldown 70->120
-Added Portal Opener to Wolf Cult shop
-Added Elemental Blades to Clan Brutes
-Avilmar base for Horde will only spawn if Horde or their ally destroys Anvilmar
-Abbendis starts with Town Portal Scroll
-Gundrak cannot be aimed by ships any more
Patch Summary
Current patch is focused on enhancing broken Alliance solo paths and balancing southern gameplay (Dwarf-DMC-Horde). Some mechanics were postponed due to unexpected issues with pathing and triggering. Next patches will focus on advancing content and mechanics from LTA 1.65 patch
General Changes
- Additional control points in south
- Added Goldmine in Searing Gorge
Terrain Changes
- Twisting Nether - expanded into two zones:main base and portal area
- Scarlet Onslaught Island - expanded so that it can serve as an actual battleground
- Undercity - expanded entrance area to facilitate sieging
- Mardenholde Keep - added backdoor entrance/escape pathway
- Dun Morogh
- New Dalaran - expanded into large city with districts dedicated to alliance members, bridge widened
- Blackwald (southern Gilneas) - Wolf Cult capital zone
- Alterac Mountains
- Ironforge Airfield - Access to sea has been removed
- Tirisfal/Scarlet Monastery
- Garadar (bridge)
- Anvilmar
- Searing gorge
- Gilneas
- Fixed mass arcane Shielding unit animation
- fixed lesser demon portal abuse
- Fixed Garrosh in Mag’har path
- Fixed Cho'gall lvl bug
Blood Elves
- New upgrade ‘’New Power Source’’ - available in Black Temple (only for illidari)
- Sunwell Guardian now has spell immunity
- Naga Ascendancy buffed
- Bonus HP 200>275
- Bonus Attack damage 2>4
- Research cost decreased from 350/150 to 200/100
- Added a few towers and a few bonus units in Icecrown Glacier
- Lightning Shield (Nerubian) cooldown decreased 20 sec > 3 sec
- Lightning Shield (Nerubian) Mana cost increased 100>120
- Orb Weavers Parasitic attack->Slow Poison
- Parasite DPS 5->8
- Anub'ar Prophets have new E spell: Summon Ahk'Kahar Obelisk
- Decreased collison size of King Ymirion from 32 to 24
- Fel reaver siege mode damage decreased by 15
- Red Dragon training time decreased to 8 seconds
- Jubei'Thos base damage increased by 10 and HP increased by 200
- Fel horde marauder model and movement speed changed
Dalaran Remnants
- Dalaran starts with Tess Greymane
- Dalaran Remnants can no longer get Arugal
- Longbow mastery changed into Archery training (increase range by 160, increase damage of magical ammo)
- Magical Ammo damage increased from 5/0 to 8/13
- Magical Ammo movement speed reduced from 0,5 to 0,35
- Gilneas creeps changed from Gilneans to Wolf Cult Worgens
- Tower of Gilneas damage decreased by 70
- Genn Greymane has new icon
- Changed models, names and tooltips for Glnean units
Wolf Cult (new solo path)
- Requires Kingdom of Gilneas and 15 min
- Wolf Cult Solo path is focused around Worgens from Emerald dream under the leadership of Alpha Prime, Arugal and Gervase. Wolf cult path is stronger version of Gilneas focused on strong melee units with additional help of powerful wolf cult druids
- Alpha Prime can summon Goldrinn permanently after reaching 15 lvl with use of Scythe of Elune
New Dalaran
- New Dalaran has been expanded and now contains 4 mini districts each dedicated to to one of Broken Alliance member
- Apex Guardian range increased by 300
- After betrayal of Dalaran allies, Kirin Tor enlists new organizatios under Alliance. Each betrayal gives New Dalaran new units and boni:
- After being betrayed by BE, Dwarf and SH New Dalaran can Reform Alliance (research) which will grant them bonus stats for units, few bonus mechanics and new hero: Jaina Proudmoore (replacement for Rhonin)
- Menethil Harbor
- Escape Tunnel now leads to Ironforge Airfield
- Gates of Ironforge HP decreased by 500, armor decreased by 3
- Changed ironforge cannons near gate of Ironforge into improved cannon tower
- Wildhammer Shaman now has ‘Aftershock’ Instead of heal
- Aftershock is Weak form of dispel
- Dwarven Warrior Elemental Blades now deal flat 50 bonus dmg to summons (not units with ‘summoned’ armor)
- Bear Warrior now has Elemental blades
Fel Horde
- Blackrock path color changed from orange to peanut
- After destroying Anvilmar Horde will now establish outpost in its ruins with bonus units and gold
- Horde path researches are moved to research center
- Thunder storm (Drek'htar) damage nerfed 150>115
- Thunder storm duration increased by 1 sec 13/15>14/16
- No changes rip.
Cult of the Damned
- Alexandros Mograine has new icon
- Phylactery now has 30 second cooldown
- deleted a few rocks in Tirisfal/Scarlet monastery passage
- Tirisfal/Scarlet monastery now has Holy aura (Decreases the movement speed of nearby enemy units and deals damage per second)
- Scarlet Zealot icon and model changed
- Scarlet Onslaught color changed from red to maroon
- Scarlet Priest has new heal (E)
- Sacrificial Exalt (now on R) now requires Crimson Cathedral
Scarlet Inquisitor has proper spell tech tree
Scarlet Inquisitor Holy Vision changed into Mana Force
(100% bonus magic dmg on AA)
Renault Morgraine has new spells:
Q - Divine Punishment
Calls down a divine bolt in shape of hammer at a target enemy unit. Upon impact, it deals damage to all surrounding enemies and reduces their armor.
E - Exile
Exile enemy, causing their attack speed and movement speed to be reduced and have a chance to miss on attacks.
R - Ashes To Ashes
Renault consecrates ground beneath him, dealing damage and stunning all surrounding enemies
Saidan Dathrohan has new ultimate
R - Heaven’s Ward
Sanctifies target area, healing allied units in it for as long as caster is channeling
Sally Whitemane has new spells
Q - Sacred Rain
Call down waves of divine shards that damage units in a target area
W - Wise Council
Grants bonus mana regeneration to friendly units
Scarlet Onslaught - Path of Corruption
Path of Corruption is one of Scarlet Onslaught Variants, Scarlet Onslaught under leadership of Barean Westwind (aka mal’ganis) becomes corrupted by dreadlords, your army will get bonus units which will use dark magic against your enemies
New unit - Raven dreadnought
Melee warrior imbued by shadow magic deals massive damage to his foes, his attacks deals bonus damage to living units (orcs, trolls, humans, etc)
New Unit - Raven Priests
Priests mastered in shadow magic can imbue fallen warriors with shadow magic and use them to their will.
Scarlet Onslaught - Path of Light
Path of Light is the second variation of Scarlet Onslaught, under command of Briggite Abbendis, Scarlet Crusade is cleansed from dreadlord Influence. Your army will get bonus units which will use holy magic against your enemies
New unit - Crimson Champion
Heavy Melee Warrior with ability to use Holy magic to deal more damage against summoned and undead enemies
New unit - Crimson Chaplain
Priest specialized in usage of Holy magic, with this knowledge Chaplains can use their magic in many different ways, from healing their allies to dealing massive damage on enemies. Has Repentance - timed unit-doom that will explode it upon death, Cardinal Mending(Rejuv), Salvation - removes friendly corpse, can be upgraded to raise spirits of fallen allies that heal nearby units.
Troll Empire
- Ice Trolls color changed from Dark Green to Turquoise
- Swapped icons of Aman’ishi warrior and Vilebranch Hunter
- Decreased cost of Voodoo Mastery 175/75 > 125/75
- Decreased cost of Troll Reflexes 150/200 > 125/100
- Decreased cost of Beast Empowerment 250/150 > 200/175
- Increased Troll regeneration cost 75/50 > 100/50
- Troll wards now affect only troll player
Dragonmaw Clan
- More starting units in Angerfang Encampment
- Ma’ruk Wyrmscale (Menethil harbor demi-hero) now has Leadership Aura instead Pillage
- Old Horde Elder now has dark ritual (E)
- Twilight Hammer color changed from purple to violet
- gates are repairable again
- fixed pathing issue allowing air units to leave Blackrock interiors through unintended passageways
- fixed an issue with Kazzak gateway summon
- fixed missing catapults from Dark Horde path
- existing fel stalkers will now turn into Blackhand Veterans
- fixed an issue that would happen when attempting to abuse double monstrosity
(faulty upload)
-fixed stuff
-auto camera/camera commands are off by default - experimental change to let people use Blizzard zoom feature
-Kil’Jaeden/Nefarian level gain over time rescaled. They gain experience every minute. 20min->level 8, 30min->Level 10
-moved Event Alliances choice at the top of mode choice
-Lady Vashj is invulnerable during Dungeon cutscene
-Mur’gul Slave can now be unsummoned
-Silvermoon City is untargetable by ships(finally!)
- Frozen Throne repair time reduced to 10 minutes(with 2 workers)
- Frost Orb Hero duration 1->1.5
- Howling Blast Ice Tomb Hero duration 1->1.5
- added 1 Fallen Hero to Andorhal
- added 1 shade to Andorhal
- added shop to Andorhal
- moved wyrm from northern Lordaeron to Andorhal
- Frostmourne doesn't grant life steal to Arthas
- Fallen Hero bonus spells require Lich King
- increased starting unit count for 1st Legion and Vrykul
- Cold Sleet AoE 250->300, mana cost 100->90
- Marwyn base HP increased by 350
- Falric has new E - Reinforcements - summons several forgotten footmen and footsoldiers
- Falric’s W - Mind Freeze - has been moved to Marwyn’s E slot
- Marwyn’s E - Undead Assault - has been moved to Falric’s W slot
- Undead Assault now affects all Scourge’s units
- mana and mana cost have been removed from Forgotten Footmen and Forgotten Footsoldiers
- Forgotten Priest has new Q spell - Icy Touch - small AoE attack and movement speed slow(frost)
- Forgotten Priests E now heals for 300 health as well
- Forgotten Knights have new W spell - Permafrost - Frezees the ground beneath, dealing damage to nearby ground enemies and slowing their movement and attack speed. If a target is frosted, its stunned instead
- Forgotten Footman’s HP increased 550->700
- 1st Legion Rallying Banner casting range increased to 450 and aura now affects allies
- Ymirion base armor increased by 3
- Ymirion’s Bane mana cost increased to 35->60, mana per second decreased 15->8
- Nadox R mana regeneration aura nerfed 50->5/sec
- Anub’Ar Prophets Mass Spell Shield is now unique cast
- Anub'Ar Prophets' Lightning Shield CD: 30->20
- Anub'Ar Prophets' Mana Siphon mana transfered buffed 20->30
- Nerubian Seer’s Healing wave buffed 85->105
- fixed Legion Sunwell summon bug
- Dimensional Gateway’s Dark Portal has been adjusted:
- Infernal Machines(Both forms) do not benefit from armor upgrades
- Infernal Machine build time 1->16
- Infernal Machine(base) hp set to 900
- Infernal Machine(upgrade) hp set to 950
- Infernal Machine lumber cost 0->20
- Infernal Machine Upgrade lumber cost 0->10
- Fel Reaver lumber cost 0->20
- Siege Mode Fel Reavers Hp nerfed 2600->1250
- Siege Mode Fel bombardment affects friendly units
- Jubei’thos Ult CD bug fixed
- Alterac Subpath now grants Red Dragon, limited to 3:
- Fel Keeper Repair time 20->60
- Mephistroth is unrevivable
- Astral Walk puts summon worker item on 30sec CD
- Jeweled Scepter of Sargeras AoE 700->400, CD 900->120
- Rhonin is invulnerable during Mass Arcane Shielding again
- Added Resistant skin to Fel Riders
- Fel Fountain heal increased to 2%
- Outland domination now grants max Demonic Ascendance and Death Infusion
- Outland domination research time 60→30
- Vorpil's Q now has 4 levels
- Vorpil's W now summons fel beasts instead of fel stalkers
- Magtheridon’s ultimate now retains his chaos attack
- Mistress of Torment - Base damage increased by 30
- Nefarian revivability bug fixed
- Dragon Rider limit decreased 8->6
- Devour Magic - Health gained reduced from 50/60/75/125->15/25/35/45, mana nerfed to 20/40/60/80, CD from 15 to 30/27/24/21, Mana cost to 150
- Fixed DH item transfer bug
- Rends Aura is air only again
- Veil of shadows hero duration decreased from 30 to 4 seconds
- Black Dragonflight becomes available when DMC leaves
- Heart of Yshaarj moved to research centre
- Flame Spew damage nerfed 40->20
- Ascended Warrior renamed to Forsaken Warrior
- fixed solo path revival bug
- removed Permanent Invisibility from Spiders
- increased root/uproot time of Naxxramas from 2.5→7
- added Shipyard under Drak’Tharon Keep
- fixed a bug with arch necromancer sacrifice
- fixed double monstrosity abuse
- Silver Hand Cleric’s healing wave nerfed 165->125
- Sally in Risen fixed
- Thalnos starting experience fixed(set to Sally or Balnazzar Experience)
- Risen Balnazzar model swap fixed(previously he would revert to Saidan upon death)
- Restored Stratholme is recapturable
- Fixed Barean<->Mal’Ganis morph
- Added hotkeys to Risen Footmen and Marksmen
- Blood Cloud is unselectable
- Consuming Frenzy applies to heroes as well
(Faulty upload)
-Fixed bridge pathing(Azjol-Nerub, Sunwell island, Ironforge)
-Fixed some tooltips typos
-other minor fixes...
-Nerfed Ymirion W damage from 5/6/7/8 to 1/2/3/4
LTA 1.64
-Widened Wrathgate and Ice crown entrance to Azjol
-shallow water should now be buildable
-made adjustments to how pathing is determined internally. Pathing should now better reflect more detailed terrain/environment. Slightly faster load times and improved fps are also to be expected as a result.
-power drain aura slightly nerfed
-Draenor rifts are now capturable by everyone
-Tempest Keep Food provided 50->100
- Staff of Negation:
- Range nerfed 900->400
- Cooldown nerfed 15->25
-new model for Ragnaros
-Magisters armor is now available in Sunreaver’s Command Post
-Now if Blood Elves decide to turn Illidari, if they haven’t restored Silvermoon prior to that, they will lose control of all units in Azeroth(Dalaran Dungeons excluded)
-They can regain control of lost units by restoring Silvermoon
Note: Restoring Silvermoon requires either Illidari or Restored Sunwell(aliased Source of Power)
-Illidari now have an option to open portal from Tempest Keep to Sunstrider Isle(requires 10 minutes game time)
-new model for Arthas
-Frostwyrms limit reduced to 4
-Crypt Fiends are replaced with Skeleton Archers, overall weaker stats but higher range and has Searing Arrows
- Unholy Gateway is no longer classified as a building
- Icecrown Obelisk base damage 100->50
-Fallen Hero is no longer available in barracks
-Fallen Hero’s Purge cooldown increased to 15 seconds
-Fallen Hero gains two new spells, unlocked with Boon of the Lich King upgrade
-W Control Undead - Takes control over enemy undead unit
- E Absorb Mana - takes mana of a friendly ally unit
-Death Knight spell kit reworked:
-Death Coils mana cost reduced to 105
-(New) W Cursed Runic Set(Passive):
-(New) E Howling Blast - deals 55 damage to nearby enemy ground units. If a target is slowed by frost-related ability, it will be encased in Ice Tomb, preventing movement and attacking and taking extra 55 damage.
-(New) R Undead minions - Summons several undead minions that attack deathknight’s enemies and heal him for portion of damage dealt. Unlocks Death Pact (F)
-(New) D - Hypothermic Presence(Passive) - reduces nearby enemies’ attack speed by 20%. Unlocked with Boon of the Lich King
-(New) F - Death Pact - Sacrifices one of the minions summoned with R to restore health equal to its max hit points
-Boon of the Lich King now requires Repaired Throne
-Frozen Throne “standard” repair time increased to 15 minutes (with 2 starting acolytes)
-Frozen Throne “standard” repair costs changed to 630/630
- Frozen Throne mana regeneration nerfed 5->2
- Frozen Throne Nova nefed/rescaled:
- AoE damage 250->250
- AoE range 300->400
- Mana cost 100->250
-Repaired Frozen Throne now allows a choice between 3 sub-paths. Each sub-path gains various boni upon obtaining Lich King
-Grants control over Anub’arak and his group at the entrance to Azjol-Nerub and unlocks events related to conquering Azjol-Nerub(unchanged)
-Scepter moved from Anub’Arak to Nadox, Anub’arak now has Summon Acolytes Item
-Allows buildings of Nerubian Hives with nerubian-related upgrades and following units:
-Q Nerubian Guard(Limited to 12) - old, moved from R position, base damage reduced, Cannibilize buffed to 40hp/sec, now has Burrow ability
- W Orb Weaver(Limited to 12) - Stats adjusted, now has Black Arrow-like ability, Web and Geminate Attack(periodically performs a double strike). Also has Burrow.
- E Nerubian Seer(Limited to 12) - stats adjusted, Spells:
Q - Parasite, spawns carrion beetle upon death
W - Dispel Magic
E - Healing Wave
R - Burrow
-R Anub’Ar Prophet(Limited to 4)- stats adjusted, new spell kit:
Q - Transfer Mana
W - Lightning Shield
E - Frost Armour
R - Mass Spell Shield - grants all friendly units in area a protective shield that nullifies next spell cast onto them
-Nerubian Sorcery now doesn't grant damage bonus, instead upgrades Anub’Ars Prophets’ Lightning Shield and Frost Armour
Lich King Ascension Bonus: Grants Vizier Nadox(Requires Azjol-Nerub), nerubian units unlock Hardened Carapace passive - reduces damage dealt by 8
1st Legion:
- Grants control over Captain Falric and his group at the coast of Forgotten Shore
- Each 1st Legion unit has 2 innate abilities:
- D Wraith Walk - allows caster to move through other units for a short duration or until performing an action other than moving
- F Frozen Heart - Reduces magic damage taken by 50%
Falric Spell Kit:
Q - Spirit Link
W Mind Freeze - Damages, slows and silences enemy for a short duration
E Essence Theft - Steals mana with each attack
R Martial Cadence - Grants big bonus to attack speed to all nearby 1st Legion units+Arthas/Lich King for a short duration
-Allows building 1st Legion barracks with following units available:
Forgotten Footman(Limited to 12) - light infantry unit, has Carnage and First Strike
Carnage - increases damage done to units with unarmored armor by 35%
First Strike - attacks periodically deal bonus damage and stun, has mana cost
-Forgotten Footsoldier(Limited to 12) - basic infantry ranged unit, has Steady Shot and Piercing Bolts
- Steady Shot - after a short delay, fires a heavy damage/stun shot at an enemy, non-hero air unit
-Piercing Bolts - periodically reduces armor of target with attack, has mana cost
-Forgotten Priest(Limited to 12) - caster unit, spell kit:
-Q Cold Feet - launches a missile that leaves target slowed for a set duration
- W Dispel Magic
- E Clarity Potion - Restores targets mana
- Forgotten Knight(Limited to 4) - elite unit, spell kit:
- Q Pulverize
- W Frost Fever - acts as a Disease Cloud
- E Cold Sleet - blinds attacks and slows movement speed of all enemies in the AoE
- R Rallying Banner - summons a banner that boosts nearby player units damame
- Lich King Ascension Bonus: Allows usage of D - Wraith Walk and grants control of Marwyn:
Q - Frost Breath
W - Killing Machine - bonus damage to heroes
E - Undead Assault - “Haste scroll” for 1st Legion units(includes Arthas/Lich King)
R - Boon of the Lich King - grants Marwyn bonus health, chaos damage, ranged attack for a duration
Vrykul Subversion:
Grants control over King Ymirion and his troops of Utgarde Keep in Howling Fjords
King Ymirion Spells:
Q Taunt - repeatedly taunts nearby enemies every 2.5 seconds for 10 seconds
W Bane - Upon activating engulfs Ymirion in shadow flames, that strike at nearby enemies whenever he takes hostile damage. Drains mana until deactivated
E Invigorating Shout - grants bonus health regeneration to nearby allies for a duration
R Heroic Leap
Allows building of Vrykul Encampments with following units available:
Q Vrykul Warrior(Limited to 12) - infantry melee unit, has Fearless Warrior passive, Ascendance and Return to Servitude
W - Vrykul Huntress infantry ranged unit, has Aerial Shackles, Deadeye, Ascendance and Return to Servitude
Deadeye - deals double damage to enemy, non-hero air units
- E Flamebinder(Limited to 12) - vrykul caster unit, has Ascendance and Return To Servitude, also:
Q - Raise Vargul - raises friendly corpse as a vargul
W - Dispel Magic
E - Flaming Flask - launches flask that sets target on fire, dealing periodic damage
- R Proto-drake Rider(Limited to 4) - elite air unit:
Q - Net
W - Draconic Flames - attacks scorch the ground beneath, leaving burning field
E - Interrupt - Interrupts channeling spells in the area
R - Flame Bath - Scorches the target area with flames, dealing continous damage over 5 seconds
F - Contempt for the weak
Ascendance: units with this passive will ascend into Ymirjar rank upon killing enemy player, non-summoned unit:
Vrykul Warrior->Ymirjar Warrior
Hero Attack/Armour
Q Enrage - bonus AS/MS/damage taken on activation
W Blood Thirst - bonus damage and lifesteal on activation
E Cleaving Attack
R Return to Servitude
F Contempt for the weak
- Vrykul Huntress->Ymirjar Huntress
- Hero Attack/Armour
- Q Aerial Shackles
- W Expose Weakness - heavily reduces target enemy air unit’s armor
- R Return to Servitude
- D Frost Attack
- F Contempt for the weak
- Flamebinder->Ymirjar Deathbringer
-Hero Armour
- Q Sumon Shade of Utgarde - summons a spirit to fight the enemy. The spirit splits after performing certain amount of attacks
- W Dispel Magic
- E Battle Craze - silences and deals damage over time but greatly increases attack and movement speed of target ally unit
- R Return to Servitude
- D Frost Attack
- F Contempt for the weak
- Lich King Bonus: Unlocks Contempt for the weak and Return to Servitude for vrykul units. Grants control of Ingvar the Plunderer:
- Q Staggering Shout- Increases attack speed at expense of heavy damage reduction for enemies in target area
- W Smash - Deals damage to enemies in cone in front of him
- E Enrage - increase AS/MS/damage taken for duration
- R Return to Servitude - Upon taking fatal damage grants new “life” for limited duration, healing to maximum and gaining new spell kit:
- Q Staggering Roar - Deals Damage to nearby enemies
- W Cleaving Attack
- E Permanent Enrage
Every dreadlord hero have new model
Skeleton Archers are now available in Crypt
Detheroc is now Revivable
Detheroc now have ‘’summon gan’arg worker’’
Mephistroth now is Revivable
Finger of pain replaced by chain lightning-like spell
Dark blade now is replaced by dark menace ability (little dmg over time,silence, MS slow)
Every demonic unit with summoned armor now has Demonic Ascendance passive ability
Demonic ascendance reduces magic damage taken by 5%>20%>30%>40%>50%
Demonic ascendance can be upgraded by ‘’Demonic Presence’’ which can be researched in: Black Temple, Alterac, Stratholme, Tol Barad
Legion now has their own racial buildings set, buildable by gan’arg engineers:
Demon portal which can train: fel beast, voidwalker, nether hatchling, doomguards, nether drakes
Nether temple which can train: eredar sorcerer, succubus, demoness
Infernal portal: Felguard, Infernal Machine, Infernal, optional:Fel Reaver
Demonic counterparts of standard buildings(ziggurat, lumbermill, etc.)
Succubus now is a caster unit with proper adept/master upgrade (spells slightly buffed)
Beam of neutralization mana cost reduced from 80 to 70
heald drain now drain 27 instead 25, mana cost reduced from 50 to 45
Eredar Deceiver now is a caster unit with proper adept/master upgrade (spells slightly buffed)
Fel parasite mana cost reduced from 50 to 45, damage per second buffed from 5 to 7
Mana shield mana per hit point reduced from 1.75 to 1.50
Dimensional gates can’t train units, now they have dark portal ability (summon permament demons) which can be upgraded with Demonic Presence.
succubus and fel stalker>bonus chance for felguard>bonus chance for doomguard
Legion now can conquer: Stratholme, Alterac, and Tol Barad to get there bases, bonus gold and units.
Demon Porta( Kil’jaden) works like Infernal portal with bonus spell ‘’summon demons’’
Summon demons: summon:4 Felguards, 3 Eredar Sorcerers and 2 nether hatchligns
Demoness charm mana cost reduced from 300 to 185
Legion now has access to 2 sub paths:
Outland Domination - requires Black temple, demonic supremacy, 10 min
You get Doomwalker, works similar to Sindragosa, but for Outland
Q- Infernal Volley
W- Engine Overclock
E- Fel Sparks
R- Doom Artillery
Doomwalker can be repaired once, after his second death he cause explosion
You get Fel Reavers which can switch between assault and siege mode (limited to 3_
Assault mode spells(chaos dmg):
engine overclock - bonus 145% AS and 25% MS, grant immolation for duration time
self repair
heavy plating
Siege mode Spells(siege dmg, ranged):
Fel energy Artillery
Fel Bombardment
Infernal machine upgrade (limited to 8) after outland domination can be upgraded to gain bonus AS, MS, and DMG
Blackrock Alterac Orcs - requires: Nathrezim mastery and Alterac (some units are similar to DH units, but they have better stats)
Varimathras is replaced by Jubei’thos
Jubei’thos spells:
Q- Bladestorm
W- Mirror Image
E- Blademaster Training
R- Omnislash
Jubei’Thos can summon fel peons
Fel Horde Rampager (limit 8)
Q- Charge
W- Critical Strike
Fel Horde Scout (limit 8)
Q- Envenomed Spears
W- net
Demolisher (limit 4)
Q- Warlock Fire
Fel Horde Cultist (limit 6)
Q- Raise Dead
W- Devour Magic
E- Fel Beam
Warlock ( limit 6)
Q- Shadowbolt
W- unstable Affliction (deals 10 more dmg than DH Warlock)
E- Fel force( Gives 15% more damage than Mana force)
Fel Horde Enforcer (limit 2)
Q- Fel Shockwave
W- Slam
E- Feedback
R- Cleaving Attack
Fel Horde:
Magtheridon’s W range buffed from 500 to 600/700/800/900
Fel Rider HP 1200->1250
Ascended warrior base damage 26->36, ~12% attack speed increase, HP 1100->1250
Banshee, Forsaken Archer and Apothecary base health increased by 200(As was originally inteded…)
Darkfallen Deathknight’s Bloodthirster’s base DPS 30->40
Sylvanas will now keep subpath hero upon going solo path(Val’kyr Pact)
Toxic Atmosphere(Undercity Aura) Range 1600->1300 (Gateway area should be unaffected)
Skeleton Archers are now available in Crypt
Stratholme Slaughterhouse Mastery will now additionally upgrade Archnecromancers/Lich Q spell to allow them to summon Sludge Belchers(Still limited)
Archnecromancer now has Dark Ritual, which allows him to sacrifice friendly unit to restore 33% of its hitpoints as health/mana
Liches now have Phylactery passive that allow them to be reborn after a duration, if the phylactery survives
Dark’Khan Drathir now has W - Mind Blast - slow, damage and silence for a short duration
-reworked Dreadlord morphs on Barean and Saidan. Their alternate forms are considered same unit, no more deselection, etc. As a side effect, they also share bonus attribute level
-fully reintroduced Risen path:
- Research available in Research Centre, requires Scarlet Crusade, Balnazzar and Legion offering alliance (Legion requires 10 minutes game time and losing Balnazzar)
- 2nd starting hero - Hunstman Leopold:
- Q Aim Shot
- Unholy Strength
- Trueshot Aura
- R Multishot
- if Light Blue has established Scarlet Monastery he will gain bonus hero - Risen Blood Mage Thalnos, otherwise he will gain an item to proc the event:
Q - Rupture - Burst damage+dot+slow+armor reduction and reveal
W - Bone Armour - Bonus armor to nearby units on activation
E - Devour Magic
R - Blood Eruption - Flamestrike…
S - Raise Corpses
Unit roster:
Risen footman
R - rise
Risen Marksman
Q - poison
R - rise
Gargoyle - Just a normal garg
Risen Knight (limited 4)
Q- death strike
W- battle terror
E - Vampiric Aura
R- Rise
S- Disease Cloud
Patched Crusaders (limited 12)
Q- Corrupted Blades
R- Crusaders Legacy
S- Disease Cloud
Meat Wagon
Q- Disease Cloud
Risen Conjuror
Q- Anti-magic shell
W- Dispell
E- Blood Cloud - an invulnerable summon that provides bonus health regeneration in small AoE
R- Rise
Risen Priest
Q- Restless Dead
W- Unholy Frenzy
E- Cripple
R- Rise
Risen Inquisitor (limited 4)
Q- Imbue Corpses - AoE heal
W- Blood strike - chain lightning-like ability
E- Enhance soldiers - small attack and movement speed aura for player units
R- Rise
Rise - Upon death, the unit will rise again as an undead footman(Crusaders Legacy - spawns 2 footmen instead)
-Fixed Vilebranch Headhunters missing from barracks
-Two headhunters in Zul'Aman have been moved 3 m toward Zul’jin :smug:
- implemented -limited command to ping limited units. Some techtrees might not respond to the command(particularly from recent content) yet
- stackable items (potions 3, scrolls 2)
Bulwark tower
- now its called Forsaken tower
- hp increased to 1600
- added multishot (enabled after apothecary plague research)
Black Spiders:
- Web now is a target ability (no autocast)
- Spiders now have venom sack instead of poison (a small AoE MS and AS slow )
Gilneas Conquer
-After Conquering Gilneas, Forsaken can proc an event to establish base in Ambermill area (requires all hostile buildings in the area to be destroyed)
- Spoils of war - Andorhal
- Spoils of war Gilneas
- ‘’Spoils of War’’ heroes are removed upon going Putress/Empo sylvanas
Empowered Sylvanas
- Solo path requires level 10
- Sylvanas Solo/Valkyr path now requires Frozen Throne/Lich King to have died
- Sylvanas now procs the path with ability that is cast at Frozen Throne rather than upgrade.
- Path grants her current bonuses + roar/howl bonus spell+summon lesser valkyrs instead of banshees on her item
- Grants 8 Greater Valkyrs that sacrifice themselves whenever Sylvanas dies. Once no
Greater Valkyr is left alive, Sylvanas becomes unrevivable
- Lesser Valkyrs limit reduced to 4
- Lesser Valkyrs have new spellkit
Lesser Valkyr Spellkit
Q - Abolish Magic
W- Invigorate - replenish mana over time
E - Raise the Fallen(Animate Dead)
R - Bleed
Greater Valkyr Spellkit:
Q - Ally Doom - spawns a melee warrior with strong passives
W - Old Healing magic but buffed (350->500hp)
E - old Revive but buffed (3->6 Bodies)
R - Ethereal form
- Putress has new E - Debilitating Aura (negative mana regeneration for enemies)
- Dragon rider splash damage buffed
- Fixed Alliance with smoulderthorn and BDF
- Fixed Black tooth rider siege dmg
- Fixed Bugged Nefarian
- Readded Animal Gods Essence
- Fixed Smoulderthorn Path Research
Ice troll priests:
-Frost bolt Damage 90->40 Hero stun 0.5->0.2 Normal stun 3->2
Witch Doctor:
- Healing Ward -healing from 1%->0.5% of max hp
All above spell nerfs are reverted upon going Ice Troll path.
- Iron star/fel core full damage detonation 100->250
- fixed outland portals malfunctioning
- fixed chromatic drake limit
- fixed model selection bug for Ziggurat and Silvermoon City models
- readded clear command
- Godfrey Q damage nerfed:
- Godfrey R damage buffed per Wave:
- Godfrey R max damage per wave increased:
- Darkfallen DK:
- Gandling E damage nerfed:
- Gandling R damage nerfed:
- fixed Alexei Barov spawn
-fixed type of units spawned in Gundrak event
-fixed Amani'shi Berserker recruitment tooltip
-Ice trolls path:
-Removed fallen hero from Icecrown Glacier
-Decreased max fallen hero limit to 6:
-outland domination + blackrock abuse fixed
- fixed Dark Iron + explorer league abuse
- Aegwynn now have summon workers item
- Changed hero stat scaling for most heroes, no heroes should have more secondary stat then their main stat
- Fixed some tooltips and icons
- Every mini stampede spell (like garrosh) is rescaled for half damage but 2x duration
- Added ''-clear'' command to clear text messages
- Nerfed mana generators to only affect player's own units
- Now you can choose between 2 subpaths after 10 mins which gives you a hero, and improve army with few new skills
- Spoils of war - Gilneas
- Grants you Lord Vincent Godfrey as hero
- Grants you a new unit, plague spreaders(limited to 4)
- Spoils of war - Andorhal
- Grants you Koltira Deathweaver as hero
- Grants you a new unit, Darkfallen Deathknight(limited to 4)
- Fixed frost wyrms limit for forsaken
- Reverted grunt model to vanilla
- Added new model for True horde loyalist
- New model for Garrosh
- Heart of Yshaarj upgrade: HP gained 100->300. damage added 3->12
- Flame spew on iron stars damages allies as suggested by tooltip
- Swapped elemental blades on KorKron guards with new one
- Fixed some TH related tooltips
- Iron stars nerf:
- fixed no CD net on riders
- Fel stalkers and marauder can create fel rider. Fel riders can be dismounted
- Fel stalker price reduced from 16 to 14
- Dark horde units are lighter in colour, so they are visible on dark terrain
- Dark horde can get Black Dragonflight for themselves if Brown goes twillight/Fel pact/Horde ally
- Gath'Ilzogg scaling value 0,8 from 1
- High warlock is summonable from any altar
- Summon Hellmodath cooldown from 180 sec to 60 (lvl 1) and 30 (lvl 2)
- Rend aerial aura changed to endurace aura, so it affect also ground units
- Goraluk Anvilcrack resilience aura is now working
- Deathwing mana degen while flying increased, bonus regen while on floor
LTA 1.63a hotfix:
- Fixed Forsaken Koltira-Godfrey abuse
- Fixed Byfrost Slash tooltip
- Fixed Gilnean siege tooltip
- Changed some tooltips and event messages
- General optimization (thanks to Merytz)
- Increased range on Fel rift (vorpil Q)
- Teron now spawns at Black Temple
- Kul'Tiras path is now removed, Dalaran now controls Kul'Tiras from start
- spirit guide ethereal form deleted
- Voss Horn of forsaken ultimate now requires lvl 10
- Duplicate units in super plague fixed (thanks to Hahay)
- Added Research centers.
- Added shallow water second pathway to Sunwell Plateau.
- Additional cp in Silverphine, dala controled cp moved more to the south.
- Terrain changes in Gilneas and near Jinhta'alor.
- New terrain of Kul'Tiras (control points on kultiras stay neutral if Dala doesn't go kultiras path)
- New instance: Temple of Jinhta'alor.
- A lot of updated models.
- probably some bug fixes and small changes that I didn't noted.
- Decreased amount of gold and wood that Belf receives from restoring Silvermoon and going Illidari.
- Added Raise Dead spell for Death knights and decreased they cost by 20g.
- Draenor Rifts are now recapturable for everyone.
- New dalaran shield cd increased by 5minutes.
- Kultiras Path because why not.
- Expedition now requires 10 min in game.
- Dwarven warriors hp buffed by 50.
- 2 Elites in Ironforge from the start.
- Molten Giants upgrades fixed.
- Fel berserker unit is deleted.
- FH now can train again Fel stalkers (AA unit with ''web-like'' abbility to counter air)
- FH in all paths can now build towers (bugged in last v)
- Vorpil have new skill instead dark summoning. Fel rift - summon fel rift which attack casters and drain mana from enemies
- shredders use proper upgrades, can also train zeppelins again.
- Maggtheridon now have reincarnation instead of being tied to Black Temple.
- Sappers damage nerfed.
- fixed Clan brutes damage.
- Thrall now is a ranged hero (250) with working bouncing attack, instead devotion aura, now Thrall has spirit link.
- Drek'Thar's Feral Spirits now use new frost wolves which use proper horde upgrades.
- Buffed Raiders stats and added ranged mode for them.
- Taurens in Spirit horde path no longer require Thrall.
- Forsaken now can summon Lilian Voss as new hero after 20 mins in game.
- fixed superplague on aboms.
- dread guards stats buffed.
- Aboms, archers and apothecares hp buffed.
- HP upgrade for undead units removed.
- cost of superplague decreased by 150g and 50w.
- path of vengance cost decreased by 100g.
- banshee ritual cost decreased by 50g.
- two archers and towers added to Bulwark.
- Dar'khan can no longer become hero
- Mana force for damned mage damage nerfed by 15%.
- Dalaran exile blight cloud mana cost increased by 25.
- Necromancers rise dead mana cost increased.
- revamp of basic troll units.
- New Loa mechanic not implemented yet.
- Hakkar buffed.
- Units from Zul'Dareisland moved to Zul'aman.
- part of Zul'Dare fleet moved to Jintha'alor.
- Smoulderthorn brawlers and Priests stats buffed.
- Firegut Ogre movement speed buffed and hp buffed.
- Dragonscale upgrade cost increased by 50g and w.
- Dragon ward (Elite summon) base damage nerfed by 7.
- Can again train juggernauts in shipyard.
- Some bugfixes not listed below
-Fixed blacksmith for Wretched
- few more fel beasts from the start
- Expedition now requires 20 mins in game
- Fixed dwarven warriors +30 dmg bug
- Removed shadow council path (garbage path that exist only for OJ/legion premades)
- FH no longer starts with two demi-heroes (moved to solo path)
- Fel orc scouts damage buffed
- Warlocks fel bolt damage nerfed to 70 from 90 and mana cost increased by 5.
- FH now starts with 3 peons near wood
- New Kargath model and icon
- New solo Path/upgrade: Outland domination (requires all 3 legion gateways, research in forge) which gives you mistress of torment, master of pain as demis, Vorpil as hero (moved from shadow council path), ties magtheridon to black temple and unlocks new event after KJ death.
- Rend horde revamp to make it playable:
- Sappers hp and movement speed nerfed + now they occupy one more slot in zeppelins
- Rehgar in now range hero
- Thrall is now melee tanky hero with buffed hp, range on Q and armor aura on W
- Baron Rivendare as demi hero will be replaced by Ramstein the Gorger (big Abomination).
- Scholomance is now destroyable
-Cult now can choose between two subpaths after 10 mins in game:
fourth spell on casters (Necros - Curse, Damned mages - passive 75% bonus damage, exiles - feedback)
New hero Darkmaster Gandling ( tied to Scholomance).
- New small event available at Menethil Harbor after lordaeron refuges event - Stormwind aid ( 125 gold and wood + some units at harbor)
- Planned event for honor hold.
- Moghor is now tied to dragonmaw port
- THC and Horde alliance no longer requires Moghors death.
-Added Improved Masonry and Improved Lumber Harvesting to the lumber mill
-Fel Elves possible when Frozen Throne/Lich King dies.
-Horde and Forsaken alliance fixed
-Fixed colours for dreadlords
-Fixed summoning level requirement
-Fixed various alliance paths
-Fixed tooltips for hero abilities and unit spells.
-True Horde can research Heart of Y'Shaarj
-Fixed priority for Siegecrafter Blackfuse
-Fixed alliance paths
-Only Patchwork or Maexxna can be trained at the same time.
-Fixed anti piercing armour missing from Lordaeron Footmen
-Ice Trolls can research Animal Gods Essence
-After berserker research, head hunters are properly replaced by troll berserkers. Even in buildings.
-Brown no longer gains Blackrock upon Fel Horde going Illidari
-Zaela Path no longer removes other paths,instead accepting brown into horde results in disabling other paths
-Fixed gold reward for Bloodmaul capture
-Fixed ogre upgrades
-Tirisfal Agents are available again
-Worgen have items in shop again
-Lordaeron Refugees research is back
-Take over Quel’thalas event is available again
- Ice trolls units and path(probably) available again
-Raised gold/lumber reward for capturing ogre bases to 200/200
-Raised Serpent Wards summon count from 1 to 2
-General Drakkisath can summon Nefarian
-Sindragossa ultimate tooltip updated
-Wise Council temporarily replaced with Brilliance aura while we investigate an issue with Balnazzar/Saidan interaction
-Dalaran dragons benefit from ranged upgrades (Studded armor, black gunpowder)
-Dalaran bridge tooltip fixed
-Added some patches of trees in Black Temple/Terrokar Forest areas
-Orange no longer loses control of all his units upon going Dark Horde path
-Fixed crash/freeze issue associated with Shadowbolt
-Pit Lords are back
-Maghteridon’s abilities changed to:
Q - Obliterate
W - Fel Blood
E - Enthral Minions
D - Fel Skin
R - Siege Monster
-Fel Blood mana cost rescaled to 50/70/90/110
-Added 15g income to Black Temple if its controlled by Fel Horde
-Fel Orc Berserker now properly benefits from OJ upgrades
-After opening Dark Portal Teron gains access to Nether Portal, an ability similar to Anubarak’s Conduit that allows summoning troops from draenor gateways
-Heart of Naxxramas has Dark Sanctuary
-Maexnna is available at Heart of Naxxramas
-Orc spear thrower benefits from poison upgrade
-Removed resistant skin from dragons in south so that they can be charmed
-Dragonward summon from Browns elites will have the possibility of attack command (before they attacked randomly and player could not control it)
- Attempt at improving FPS
- fixed alliances in GvE mode
-Faerie Dragon Sleep can nolonger target heroes
-Earthen Elementalists have dispel magic
-Gates are repairable again
-Warsong Hold Research works as intended
-No more infinite Maexxnas
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