Maze Of Sliding Koopas 2 [v2.0]

Maze Of Sliding Koopas 2 [v2.0] - Warcraft 3: Custom Map avatar

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Map description

The koopas have now landed into their own world.. now they have to find Bowser and slay him!

*Press "F" To Fly DURING Sliding/Shell Mode*
*Don't Fly Over Snow*
*I suggest to click a lot to where ur moving during shell and fly*

Idea By: TDoM-P_TopDo

Map details

Last updated

31 October, 2018

Suggested players

Clan TDoM




116 x 81


Warcraft 3: Reforged compatible

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This map is compatible with Warcraft 3: Reforged.

Map versions
In total 2 map versions for Maze of Sliding Koopas 2

Maze Of Sliding Koopas 2 [v2.0] newest version
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Maze Of Sliding Koopas 2 [v1.6]
The Koopas Have Now Landed Into Their Own World.. Now They Have To Find Bowser And Slay Him!

Press "F" To Fly DURING Sliding/Shell Mode

By: TDoM-M_Cannonn
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Maze Of Sliding Koopas 2 [v1.6] - Warcraft 3 Custom map: Mini map
Maze Of Sliding Koopas 2 [v2.0] - Warcraft 3: Mini map

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