DinoAventura 4.4_E

DinoAventura 4.4_E - Warcraft 3: Custom Map avatar

created by
Marsupio original by BaweeZetaPI

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Map description

Latest Changes:
.Poacher reworked.
.Missing Tooltips Added.
.Map is hard even for experienced players, dont get dscouraged.

Map details

Last updated

10 December, 2018

Suggested players

Only the Brave




116 x 116


Warcraft 3: Reforged compatible

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Not yet tested with Warcraft 3: Reforged.

Map versions
In total 34 map versions for DinoAventura

DinoAventura 4.4_E newest version
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DinoAventura 4.4_D Z&Marsupio
Latest Changes:
.Poacher reworked, BulletStorm Minigun, Poacher's Backpack and Flashbang Grenade added to his arsenal.
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DinoAventura 4.4_D Z&Marsupio - Warcraft 3 Custom map: Mini map

DinoAventura 4.4_D (TestOnly)
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DinoAventura 4.4_D (TestOnly) - Warcraft 3 Custom map: Mini map

DinoAventura 4.4.C (T): Z&Marsupio
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DinoAventura 4.4.C (T): Z&Marsupio - Warcraft 3 Custom map: Mini map

DinoAventura 4.4.C: Z&MarsupioRev
Latest Changes:
.Fixed Chinopterus not autocasting Sleep Toxin, Metabolism Accelerator II and above works as immunizer.
.Fixed TimeStarter for the Iguanodon Trigger.
.Fixed Shackles of Discipline working on ancient dinos.
.Terrain Updated.
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DinoAventura 4.4.C: Z&MarsupioRev - Warcraft 3 Custom map: Mini map

DinoAventura 4.4.B: Z&MarsupioRev
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Default loading screen

DinoAventura 4.4.A: Z&MarsupioRev
Latest Changes:
.Turn rate and speed buffs to the S.A.T; overload switch works properly now
.JurassicPark Supercomputer reworked, more expensive but reaps good benefits late game
.Artillery pieces no longer target Mosquito Swarms
.Sound Files updated
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DinoAventura 4.4.A: Z&MarsupioRev - Warcraft 3 Custom map: Mini map

DinoAventura 4.4.D Z&Marsupio
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DinoAventura 4.4.D Z&Marsupio - Warcraft 3 Custom map: Mini map

DinoAventura 4.3.B: Z&MarsupioRev
Latest Changes:
.L.A.A.Ds No longer have an energy requirement
.All tooltips fixed. Biology reserch tree reworked, new research aviable.
.Now Dino-Training works properly; Stegosaurus and Edanophosaurs can be catched just like the rest of the dinos.
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DinoAventura 4.3.B: Z&MarsupioRev - Warcraft 3 Custom map: Mini map

DinoAventura 4.3.A: Z&MarsupioRev
Latest Changes:
.Hunter/Poacher now has a new upgrade that gives him +1 aditional inventory slot. (Doesen't stack with Human Enhancer).
.Some long range dinos added to force the player out of the base.
.Removed some unused stuff to save space.
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DinoAventura 4.3.A: Z&MarsupioRev - Warcraft 3 Custom map: Mini map

DinoAventura 4.2.E: Z&MarsupioRev
Latest Changes:
.Survivors now Parachute into the island, granting them 6.5 second of Invulnerability + Flying with reduced turn rate and speed. This prevents them for spawning in bloked areas.
.Artillery range reduced (but now their AoE works properly)
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DinoAventura 4.2.E: Z&MarsupioRev - Warcraft 3 Custom map: Mini map

DinoAventura 4.2.D: Z&MarsupioRev
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DinoAventura 4.2.D: Z&MarsupioRev - Warcraft 3 Custom map: Mini map

DinoAventura 4.2.C: Z&MarsupioRev
Latest Addition: Spike-Trap. Dino-Trap no longers targets flyes. Barrel Telescope bonus reduced to +300 from +400. Assault Machine Gun ammunition cost Decresed. Dryosaurus damage reduced.
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DinoAventura 4.2.C: Z&MarsupioRev - Warcraft 3 Custom map: Mini map

DinoAventura 4.1.C: Z&MarsupioRev
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DinoAventura 4.1.C: Z&MarsupioRev - Warcraft 3 Custom map: Mini map

DinoAventura 4.1.B: Z&MarsupioRev
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DinoAventura 4.1.B: Z&MarsupioRev - Warcraft 3 Custom map: Mini map
DinoAventura 4.4_E - Warcraft 3: Mini map

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