Mini-War v3.6a By:Luckyhell

Mini-War v3.6a By:Luckyhell - Warcraft 3: Custom Map avatar

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Map description

Disfrutenlo con temas de Linkin Park, Red Hot Chili Peppers y otros... Guerra estilo Hero defense. Creado por un alumno del Otto Krause y con ayuda de sus compañeros dando sus voces y opiniones.

Map details

Last updated

29 December, 2018

Suggested players

4vs4 o menos




96 x 92


Warcraft 3: Reforged compatible

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Not yet tested with Warcraft 3: Reforged.

Map versions
In total 7 map versions for Mini-War

Mini-War v3.6a By:Luckyhell newest version
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Mini-War v3.6b By:Luckyhell
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Mini-War v3.6b By:Luckyhell - Warcraft 3 Custom map: Mini map

Mini-War v2.6 By:Luckyhell
Como un DotA en miniatura... disfrutenlo con temas de Linkin Park, Red Hot Chili Peppers y otros...
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Mini-War v2.6 By:Luckyhell - Warcraft 3 Custom map: Mini map

Mini-War v3.5b By:Luckyhell
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Mini-War v3.5b By:Luckyhell - Warcraft 3 Custom map: Mini map

Mini-War v3.6 By:Luckyhell
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Mini-War v3.6 By:Luckyhell - Warcraft 3 Custom map: Mini map

Mini-War v2.5 By:Luckyhell
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Mini-War v2.5 By:Luckyhell - Warcraft 3 Custom map: Mini map

Mini-War v3.5 By:Luckyhell
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Mini-War v3.5 By:Luckyhell - Warcraft 3 Custom map: Mini map

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