8 Hero Of Vampires v1.19

8 Hero Of Vampires v1.19 - Warcraft 3: Custom Map avatar

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Map description

note : NOT FOR NOOB !
Cac ban chu y map nay rat kho' .Dac biet truoc' dot. FINAL HERO ATK (khi da len phia' tren ) thi co gang' giet con Vampire ( di vao canh cua ben duoi ban? do` ) de lay chiec nhan+500def roi mua them hoi sinh bo? vao nha` khi HEROATK)

Map details

Last updated

14 July, 2017

Suggested players

4-8 Player




94 x 126


Warcraft 3: Reforged compatible

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Not yet tested with Warcraft 3: Reforged.

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