COT RPG 2:  Plains of Medea v3.1.1 - Warcraft 3: Custom Map avatar
8 Players

COT RPG 2: Plains of Medea v3.1.1

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This is the sequel to COT RPG. Fight and die in Medea, the ice covered world of magic. This version fixed the repick, starting camera bug, and seso's heal. -Eshian@USeast

Last updated

16 December, 2018

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RPG lovers




256 x 256


Warcraft 3: Reforged compatible

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Not yet tested with Warcraft 3: Reforged.

This is the newest available map version.

Map versions
In total 10 map versions for COT RPG 2: Plains of Medea

COT RPG 2: Plains of Medea v3.1.1 newest version
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COT RPG 2: Plains of Medea v 3
Welcome to the Curse of Time 2:Plains of Medea. Your codes from #1 will not work.This is the sequel to COT RPG. Fight and die in Medea, the ice covered world of magic! Have Fun! -Unhealer
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COT RPG 2:  Plains of Medea v 3 - Warcraft 3 Custom map: Mini map

COT RPG 2: Plains of Medea v3.0
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Default loading screen

COT RPG 2: Plains of Medea v3.0
This is the sequel to COT RPG. Fight and die in Medea, the ice covered world of magic. This mod includes new heros, buffed/nerfed old spells/heros, new spells, and more detailed terrain. Also, I have fixed a few bugs as well. -Eshian@USeast
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COT RPG 2:  Plains of Medea v3.0 - Warcraft 3 Custom map: Mini map

COT RPG 2: Plains of Medea v 2.4x
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COT RPG 2:  Plains of Medea v 2.4x - Warcraft 3 Custom map: Mini map

COT RPG 2:Plains of Medea v2.1
This is the Sequel to COT RPG. Many more quests and items await the players that will fight over 30 bosses to find them. The save and load system will load up COT RPG 2.0 and up characters. The max level is 300. I'm HowieFizzle an i tried to fix some bugs.
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COT RPG 2:Plains of Medea v2.1 - Warcraft 3 Custom map: Mini map

COT RPG 2: Plains of Medea v 2.1
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COT RPG 2:  Plains of Medea v 2.1 - Warcraft 3 Custom map: Mini map

COT RPG 2: Plains of Medea v 2.1
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Default loading screen

COT RPG 2: Plains of Medea v 1.7
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COT RPG 2:  Plains of Medea v 1.7 - Warcraft 3 Custom map: Mini map

COT RPG 2: Plains of Medea v 1.5
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COT RPG 2:  Plains of Medea v 1.5 - Warcraft 3 Custom map: Mini map
COT RPG 2:  Plains of Medea v3.1.1 - Warcraft 3: Mini map

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