Pokemon World V1.37 - Warcraft 3: Custom Map avatar
20 Players

Pokemon World V1.37

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Pokemon World

Created by Dark-Zalor



Map Info

An epic travel in the universe of pokemon.

This map purpose to players to move in a pokemon universe to catch/train/customize/name Pokemons.


You can customize your team, the spellpack of each pokemon each time pokemons get new levels, hey can access to new attacks.


You can only battle with other players.


For any questions or suggestions please send your e-mail at: darkzalor@gmail.com


Visit my facebook page at: facebook.com/DarkZalorMapper

I will add a few more Pictures on the page.



All the Pokemons/Musics belongs to The Pokemon Company


Only works with 1.32 version of Warcraft 3 or newer.




Players starts in the game at a random location with one unit their dresser.


The goal of the map is to have the biggest numbers of victories or the biggest number of pokemons.


Catch a Pokemon :

In the game you will meet pokemons. To catch your starter you need to use your 'Q' spell, 'Launch Pokeball' to the pokemon location.

A pokemon has a chance to be catched or not. The miss chances are displayed by messages. For others you must use your R spell Taunt Target.

On the wild pokemons, it will starts a battle with the target pokemon. And allow you to catch it with 3 types of pokeballs.



The game llow only fights between players. You need to use the 'R' spell, 'Taunt Player' of the dresser on an other dresser.

And wait for the response of the dresser. The player taunted will see a pop up window with 2 choices 'Battle' or 'Decline'.

If the battle is ready you are both moved to a random area where your pokemon can fight.

You can send/get back your pokemons to fight by using your pokemon buttons on the left.


Manage your Pokemons Team :

You can manage all you catched pokemon by walking on Blue Cross on the ground.

This will open, a pop up window that will list all your pokemons. To change a Pokemon on your team you need to click on a pokemon in your inventory and click on an other one in the list above. The 2 pokemons will swap position. Worked with empty slots. You can see on the right the clicked pokemon description.


Manage your Pokemons Attacks :

You can click on the Pokemon icon that you want to manage on the left.

The if you're not fighting a pop up window will appear. To change an attack on your Pokemon you need to click on an attack in your inventory and click on an other one in the list above. The 2 attacks will swap position. Worked with empty slots. You can see on the middle the clicked attack description, damage, damage type.


Heal your Pokemons Team :

In front of poke center there are Red cross. Just walk on it to regenerate your team.




This game is a Rpg type map.

This is a list of the primary features :


 480x480 Map size LEGENDARY (divided in more that 22 custom regions) with custom textures

 395 playable and customizable Pokemons

 307 custom spells

 UI life/mana/Xp bars during battles

 Custom Game UI

 17 Pokemons types

 Events for pokemon ghost/dark during the day

 40 official musics from the games

 Name your Pokemons

 Battles against wild pokemons

 3 types of balls to catch pokemons

 Frame to customize your team

 Frame to customize your spellpack

 Frame to display forces/weakness of types

 Pokemon spawn system with probabilities

 Custom battle system with funny Introduction :D

 Custom Damage system with types Bonuses/Maluses/critical strikes/stabs

 Xp custom system

 Custom End with scores & credits

 Poke Team Pagination for Pokemon Team management (more than 60)

 11 Legendary Pokemon Apparition



Mods :

There are a few modes in this map :

-dur XXX : to set the time duration as minutes to XXX. [20 - 180] Default 45 minutes.

-nodur : the game will never stops, until you types -end will stop the game after 5 minutes.

-sharevision : to share visibility between players.

-em : to active the Easy Mode.


Commands :

There are a few commands in this map :

-zoom XX : to set the distance camera to (XX x 100) ranges.

-view : to reset the camera to the default angle and with the player set zoom.

-nobattle : to disable duels with other players.

-battle : to enable duels with other players.


Spells :

There is 307 custom spells. The spells have types.

And damage type spells Physical/special.

When you casts a spell of your type, it is stabbed, it deals twice your damage.

Damage have 20% to deals critical strike x2


Work In Progress :


  • Still working on Xp gain.
  • Terrain
  • Spell Damage
  • Pokemon stats gains/lvl
  • Pokemon Evolution Level
  • Pokemon Spellpack
  • Desyncs (fixed normally)

Gameplay :

  • End tables/Scores
  • New Type "Fairy"
  • Pokemon models sprite in management UIs
  • Pokemon descriptions
  • Dresser custom pick (maybe)


Terraining :

some zones are quite empty

arenas customizations

pnj to add



I had some crashes dure to frames. (Your feedback is appreciated)


Credits :

Special Thanks:

  •  The Helper
  •  Hive WorkShop
  •  The Warcraft 3 French Community
  •  Blizzard
  •  chaosrealm.co (for awesome Pokemons models)



  •  Zodd (For the awesome POKEMON models)
  •  Vinz
  •  JetFangInferno
  •  Bon_Jovi
  •  SuPa-
  •  doom_sheep
  •  ChevronSeven
  •  Callahan
  •  Matarael
  •  Elunes-Guardian
  •  Champara Bros
  •  Weep
  •  Pyritie
  •  florent86
  •  NightSkyAurora
  •  UgoUgo
  •  DCrimson
  •  tillinghast
  •  Mike
  •  HerrDave
  •  exfyre
  •  Infrisios
  •  RavenBlackbird
  •  stonneash
  •  Frotty
  •  Hantoo
  •  Rubellu Sidus
  •  ChevronSeven
  •  Kwaliti
  •  ironmaiden
  •  Ujimasa Hojo
  •  nGy
  •  General Frank
  •  Iyzz_Fryzz
  •  BurninRose
  •  EmawWyvern
  •  Vile
  •  Mainy
  •  War_Golum
  •  DeadEnd123
  •  Tiki
  •  Darkfang
  •  JesusHipster
  •  WaggaWagga
  •  The_Spellweaver
  •  Stefan.K
  •  johnwar


A HUGE thanks to TAYSEN for UI Frames answers. His very complete tutorials. All the informations he gave to me and without

it that map won't be that far.


Thanks to xorkatoss and Porg Val for the very interesting reviews and their patience.


Thanks to Twilac that helpls me with models.


Author's notes

I really put a lot of work and I really enjoyed for the moment the work I add in there. Even if warcraft III UI system is a pure nightmare.

I hope you will appreciate it and find it as fun as I had when I played Pokemons. I know that it is far away from a definive project.

And I still have a lot of work to add. I really need some feedbacks and maybe ideas to debug.

So I hope you will be patient to lacks, crashes, bad spelling and other stuffs that can ruin your future plays.

I didn't made that project to benefit of the pokemon fame. I really want to offer new experience to players. And this kind of projects makes time to buid.

I hope the few screenshots will give you the envy to PLAY that game.  :D


If you have some ideas about spells, events, modes, just send me an e-mail at : darkzalor@gmail.com


Keywords : Arena, Battle, RPG, Fight, Anime, Pokemon, Death, Kill, Spell, Game, Ability,


I appreciate feedback and suggestions!

I really appreciate if you can send me some streams of your games. To improve my description. With credits of course.


Last updated

29 June, 2024

Suggested players

1 - 20 Players


Lordaeron Summer


480 x 480


Warcraft 3: Reforged compatible

This is an official map. The map is updated and suppported by: Dark-Zalor . Join us on discord to get in touch with the map developers.

This map is compatible with Warcraft 3: Reforged.

This is the newest available map version.

Map versions
In total 10 map versions for Pokemon World by Dark-Zalor

Pokemon World V1.37 newest version
Thank you for voting!

Pokemon World V1.35
Prepare yourself to discover a new world!
Customize your team with 395 playable Pokemons and 313 custom attacks to beat other players. You can get the latest version on hiveworkshop.com

Gotta catch them all!
Thank you for voting!
Pokemon World V1.35 - Warcraft 3 Custom map: Mini map

Pokemon World V1,27
Prepare yourself to discover a new world!
Customize your team with 395 playable Pokemons and 294 custom attacks to beat other players. You can get the latest version on hiveworkshop.com

Gotta catch them all!
Thank you for voting!
Pokemon World V1,27 - Warcraft 3 Custom map: Mini map

Pokemon World V1,25
Prepare yourself to discover a new world!
Customize your team with 395 playable Pokemons and 294 custom attacks to beat other players. You can get the latest version on hiveworkshop.com

Gotta catch them all!
Thank you for voting!
Pokemon World V1,25 - Warcraft 3 Custom map: Mini map

Pokemon World V1,20
Prepare yourself to discover a new world!
Customize your team with 346 playable Pokemons and 250 custom attacks to beat other players. You can get the latest version on hiveworkshop.com

Gotta catch them all!
Thank you for voting!
Pokemon World V1,20 - Warcraft 3 Custom map: Mini map

Pokemon World V1,17
Prepare yourself to discover a new world!
You can customize your pokemon to create powerful team and beat other players. You can get the latest version on hiveworkshop.com

Gotta catch them all!
Thank you for voting!
Pokemon World V1,17 - Warcraft 3 Custom map: Mini map

Pokemon World V1,15
Prepare yourself to discover a new world!
You can customize your pokemon to create powerful team and beat other players. You can get the latest version on hiveworkshop.com

Gotta catch them all!
Thank you for voting!
Pokemon World V1,15 - Warcraft 3 Custom map: Mini map

Pokemon World V1,10
Prepare yourself to discover a new world!
You can customize your pokemon to create powerful team and beat other players. You can get the latest version on hiveworkshop.com

Gotta catch them all!
Thank you for voting!
Pokemon World V1,10 - Warcraft 3 Custom map: Mini map

Pokemon World V1,0
Prepare yourself to discover a new world!
You can customize your pokemon to create powerful team and beat other players. You can get the latest version on hiveworkshop.com

Gotta catch them all!
Thank you for voting!
Pokemon World V1,0 - Warcraft 3 Custom map: Mini map

Pokemon World V1.29
Prepare yourself to discover a new world!
Customize your team with 395 playable Pokemons and 294 custom attacks to beat other players. You can get the latest version on hiveworkshop.com

Gotta catch them all!
Thank you for voting!
Pokemon World V1.29 - Warcraft 3 Custom map: Mini map
Pokemon World V1.37 - Warcraft 3: Mini map

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