Scarlet Side: Culling of Stormwind

Scarlet Side: Culling of Stormwind - Warcraft 3: Custom Map avatar

created by
The Crimson Flame

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Map description

If you would like to play correct: 1 Red (Crimson Flame) 2 Blue (Blazing Shields) 3 Pink (Death Knights) 4 Gold (Brotherhood of Light) 5 Green(Dwarven Rifle Squad) 6 Grey (Chapter of Anetheon) 7 (Citizens) 8 Green (elfs) 9 Brown (Sphere)

Map details

Last updated

08 August, 2018

Suggested players






173 x 120


Warcraft 3: Reforged compatible

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Not yet tested with Warcraft 3: Reforged.

Map versions
In total 2 map versions for Scarlet Side: Culling of Stormwind

Scarlet Side: Culling of Stormwind newest version
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ScarletSide:Culling ofStormwind(1.0)
This map is made and designed for intertainment of Crimson Flame members and those who are interested to taste our role play style on Defias Brotherhood RPPvP european realm. (This is a complete version after beta)
Made by Sepoficus of The Crimson Flame
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ScarletSide:Culling ofStormwind(1.0) - Warcraft 3 Custom map: Mini map

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