Orcish Zone Control Beta 1.1

Orcish Zone Control  Beta 1.1 - Warcraft 3: Custom Map avatar

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Map description

Oricsh Zone Control (13.03.2010) is a full new created version of the old starcraft zone control maps by Angelusz.
-Fixed Player3 is dead bug at start

Please report bugs, ideas or suggestions in the forum at http://orkishzonecontrol.foren-city.de/

Map details

Last updated

18 March, 2018

Suggested players

2 vs 2 vs 2 vs 2




54 x 53


Warcraft 3: Reforged compatible

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This map is compatible with Warcraft 3: Reforged.

Map versions
In total 2 map versions for Orcish Zone Control

Orcish Zone Control Beta 1.1 newest version
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Orcish Zone Control Beta 1.0
To all of you who like the old starcraft zone control maps
Special Thanks to:
Angelusz (for the nice starcraft zone control maps)
General Frank (for the nice Orc Models)
DonDustin (for his nice Warchief Model)
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Orcish Zone Control  Beta 1.0 - Warcraft 3 Custom map: Mini map

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