Xzavior's Footmen v.s. Gruntz 2.0

Xzavior's Footmen v.s. Gruntz 2.0 - Warcraft 3: Custom Map avatar

created by
Xzavior of Clan XM 2009

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Map description

Harder Creep Levels! Let the massive battle begin!

Map details

Last updated

17 September, 2018

Suggested players

Even Teams




122 x 56


Warcraft 3: Reforged compatible

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Not yet tested with Warcraft 3: Reforged.

Map versions
In total 2 map versions for Xzavior's Footmen vs Grunt

Xzavior's Footmen v.s. Gruntz 2.0 newest version
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Footmen VS Grunt ADV1.04
this is the the best footmen VS grunts out there as many features

new terrain/item recipies/new heros/ALL RANDOM MODE/hero kill score bord/many more
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Footmen VS Grunt ADV1.04 - Warcraft 3 Custom map: Mini map

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