Zombie Survival Extreme VN 5.8.7

Zombie Survival Extreme VN 5.8.7 - Warcraft 3: Custom Map avatar

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Map description

Hay co gang song sot trong 30 phut!
- - Changelog - -
- Fixed hero's skill
- Fixed some bug
- Fixed tower's damage
Anti-Cheat system :)

Map details

Last updated

03 October, 2018

Suggested players





180 x 181


Warcraft 3: Reforged compatible

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This map is compatible with Warcraft 3: Reforged.

Map versions
In total 8 map versions for Zombie Survival Extreme VN

Zombie Survival Extreme VN 5.8.7 newest version
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Zombie Survival Extreme VN 5.8.6
Song sot trong 30 phut voi su tan cong cua Zombie!
- - Changelog - -
+ Hero:
- Giam suc manh cua Hero.
- Tang suc manh cac ky nang.
+ Tru:
- Can bang suc manh cac tru.
@ He thong Anti-Cheat hieu qua hon @
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Zombie Survival Extreme VN 5.8.6 - Warcraft 3 Custom map: Mini map

Zombie Survival Extreme VN 5.8.5
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Zombie Survival Extreme VN 5.8.5 - Warcraft 3 Custom map: Mini map

Zombie Survival Extreme VN 5.8.4
— Sua lai mot so loi cua tuong.
— Sua lai loi hoi sinh tuong.
— Bo tat ca ky nang trieu hoi cua boss.
— Them mot so ky nang moi cho boss.
— He thong chong gian lan cuc manh.
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Zombie Survival Extreme VN 5.8.4 - Warcraft 3 Custom map: Mini map

Zombie Survival Extreme VN 5.8.3
« Loai bo gioi han so tru co the xay dung »
« Gioi han so luong Hero cua moi nguoi choi thanh 1 »
« Cap nhat tru Anti-Game va tru End-Game »
« Sua lai phim tat cua cac ky nang va cac tru »
« Sua lai loi quai vat tu dong danh tru »
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Zombie Survival Extreme VN 5.8.3 - Warcraft 3 Custom map: Mini map

Zombie Survival Extreme VN 5.8.2
+ Viet hoa 100%
+ Nang so thit toi da len 300 thit
+ Sua chua mot so loi cua Hero
+ Them lenh -bt de mua sach
+ Sua loi tan cong Hero cua tru End-Game
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Zombie Survival Extreme VN 5.8.2 - Warcraft 3 Custom map: Mini map

Zombie Survival Extreme VN 5.8.1
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Zombie Survival Extreme VN 5.8.1 - Warcraft 3 Custom map: Mini map

Zombie Survival Extreme VN 5.8.0
Co gang song sot sau 30 phut voi nhung dot tan cong cua Zombie !
Nang so thit toi da len 300.
Chinh so luong Hero toi da la 1 Hero.
Dung cac lenh -easy/-medium/-hard/-extreme/-random de chon do kho
Chinh sua va viet hoa boi funnyboy252 !
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Zombie Survival Extreme VN 5.8.0 - Warcraft 3 Custom map: Mini map

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