Hero Line War: Final Cut 1.06 - Warcraft 3: Custom Map avatar
10 Players

Hero Line War: Final Cut 1.06

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Made by Cho_Gal - Great balance and game flow in every part of the game, Adds several great unique features to make it the best HLW map around.r Visit hSpn's web site and its forum for details and Discussion!r

Last updated

19 April, 2018

Suggested players





64 x 96


Warcraft 3: Reforged compatible

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Not yet tested with Warcraft 3: Reforged.

This is the newest available map version.

Map versions
In total 2 map versions for Hero Line War: Final Cut

Hero Line War: Final Cut 1.06 newest version
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Hero Line War: Final Cut 1.04
Made by Cho_Gal - A hero line war map that tries to be BALANCED both when it commes to items, heroes & their skills. Change from 1.01d : One new hero, one replaced skill. Creep food cap & queue fucntion added to reduce lag, And many more lesser changes
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Hero Line War: Final Cut 1.04 - Warcraft 3 Custom map: Mini map
Hero Line War: Final Cut 1.06 - Warcraft 3: Mini map

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