Planet Doom V1.66 - Warcraft 3: Custom Map avatar
5 Players

Planet Doom V1.66

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Planet Doom

Created by Dark-Zalor


Map Info

An epic and huge war in the most dangerous place ever created, the HELL.

You are a poor souls killed in the living world, you were send to Hell to be tormented indefinitly. You can leave that horrible place by cleaning it.


This map purpose to players to move in an intense battle. Really addictive and funny to relax after a long day.


Creeps massivly pops in a closed area. And you kill everyone. Horde of enemies will try to kill you. With bosses spawn.


You can customize your hero'stats and skills. Custom and beautiful spells. Funny and custom Heroes. A lot of custom Items.


For any questions or suggestions please send your e-mail at:


Visit my facebook page at:

I will add a few more Pictures on the page.


All the DOOM Musics belongs to id Software and Serious Sam 3 Musics to Croteam



The Only Thing They Fear is You

Rip & Tear

Cultist Base


Only works with 1.32 version of Warcraft 3 or newer.



This game is a Survival/Hero Defense/Hero Arena map.

This is a list of the primary features :


25 Full Custom Heroes.

125 custom spells.

74 types of creeps.

90 custom Items.

7 custom Events.

9 bosses.

7 levels.

Mini-Bosses units.


Creeps :

During all the game some creeps will spawn. Creeps pop automatically one by one.

With the time a few new creep will arrive bigger and stronger than actual one.

When you kill a creep you get a reward as gold and Experience. Theses bonuses increases with the level of the dying unit.


Loot :

The loot falls on the ground when an enemy is killed. Items pop are better on powerful enemies.

There are 3 classes:

- Consomable: like potions. When you get one you will add the charges to your currents item charges, each use reduce charges by one.

The item is removed when you have no more charges.

- Artifacts: theses items can be keeped the entire game. Theses items gives bonuses for damage, magic, tanking, ... .

- Aghanims: theses bonuses looks like runes. They are specifically created for each hero type. It upgrades hero spells.


Mods :

-extreme : Extreme mode times / 2 creeps spawn. More bosses.

-em : Easy Mode Bosses less often, more loot.


Commands :

There are a few commands in this map :

-nf : no fog command.


Bosses :

There are a few bosses in the map. They have spells, and they will uses them against careless heroes.  Their stats can change in function of the time. Keep in mind that the fountain will heal them as well. Bosses are not affected by Rachiiise Events. They are just walking around deleting weak heroes.


Aghanims :

These items are created for specific heroes. They upgrades their spells. An aghanim can be picked forever. They will add their bonuses passivly.


Events :

There are a few events in the map.

Rachiiiise Event : Just call every single unit in the map to attack you.

Fountain Strike : The buildings in the arena send bolts or other fire weapons in the arena. Be careful to not being hit.

Special Wave : Create a massive wave on a random location in the map.

Bosses Spawn : Some bosses will pop on the map. The frequency depends on the map mode.

Lvl Death : When a level is closed every creeps of the level pop instanlty.

Magic Chest : Sometimes a special chest will fall down on the map. This spawn loot when it is killed.

Skeleton Rush : A lot of skeletons raised on the arena and attacks the middle of the map.

Final Wave: Try to survive this…



Special Thanks:


The Helper

Hive WorkShop

The Warcraft 3 French Community



Authors notes

I really put a lot of work and effort in that map. I hope you gonna enjoy it, as much as I had to create it.

The gameplay of the map is pretty simple. But just play it as a huge fight for fun, rest and recreation. :D


If you have some ideas about spells, events, modes, just send me an e-mail at :


I appreciate feedback and suggestions!

I really appreciate if you can send me some streams of your games. To improve my description. With credits of course.


Last updated

14 February, 2025

Suggested players

1 - 5 Players




116 x 116


Warcraft 3: Reforged compatible

This is an official map. The map is updated and suppported by: Dark-Zalor . Join us on discord to get in touch with the map developers.

This map is compatible with Warcraft 3: Reforged.

This is the newest available map version.

Map versions
In total 22 map versions for Planet Doom

Planet Doom V1.66 newest version
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Planet Doom V1.63
You 've been sent to the most dangerous place ever made. Just clean it to go back to the living world. Play that intense and epic war game with more than 32 custom heroes and 136 custom Item.

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Planet Doom V1.63 - Warcraft 3 Custom map: Mini map

Planet Doom V1.59
You 've been sent to the most dangerous place ever made. Just clean it to go back to the living world. Play that intense and epic war game with more than 28 custom heroes and 135 custom Item.

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Planet Doom V1.59 - Warcraft 3 Custom map: Mini map

Planet Doom V1.57
You 've been sent to the most dangerous place ever made. Just clean it to go back to the living world. Play that intense and epic war game with more than 28 custom heroes and 135 custom Item.

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Planet Doom V1.57 - Warcraft 3 Custom map: Mini map

Planet Doom V1.55
You 've been sent to the most dangerous place ever made. Just clean it to go back to the living world. Play that intense and epic war game with more than 26 custom heroes and 135 custom Item.

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Planet Doom V1.55 - Warcraft 3 Custom map: Mini map

Planet Doom V1.53
You 've been sent to the most dangerous place ever made. Just clean it to go back to the living world. Play that intense and epic war game with more than 26 custom heroes and 70 custom Items.

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Planet Doom V1.53 - Warcraft 3 Custom map: Mini map

Planet Doom V1.51
You 've been sent to the most dangerous place ever made. Just clean it to go back to the living world. Play that intense and epic war game with more than 26 custom heroes and 70 custom Items.

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Planet Doom V1.51 - Warcraft 3 Custom map: Mini map

Planet Doom V1.49
You 've been sent to the most dangerous place ever made. Just clean it to go back to the living world. Play that intense and epic war game with more than 26 custom heroes and 70 custom Items.

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Planet Doom V1.49 - Warcraft 3 Custom map: Mini map

Planet Doom V1.47
You 've been sent to the most dangerous place ever made. Just clean it to go back to the living world. Play that intense and epic war game with more than 26 custom heroes and 70 custom Items.

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Planet Doom V1.47 - Warcraft 3 Custom map: Mini map

Planet Doom V1.43
You 've been sent to the most dangerous place ever made. Just clean it to go back to the living world. Play that intense and epic war game with more than 26 custom heroes and 70 custom Items.

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Planet Doom V1.43 - Warcraft 3 Custom map: Mini map

Planet Doom V1.37
You 've been sent to the most dangerous place ever made. Just clean it to go back to the living world. Play that intense and epic war game with more than 26 custom heroes and 70 custom Items.

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Planet Doom V1.37 - Warcraft 3 Custom map: Mini map

Planet Doom V1.35
You 've been sent to the most dangerous place ever made. Just clean it to go back to the living world. Play that intense and epic war game with more than 26 custom heroes and 70 custom Items.

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Planet Doom V1.35 - Warcraft 3 Custom map: Mini map

Planet Doom V1.33
You 've been sent to the most dangerous place ever made. Just clean it to go back to the living world. Play that intense and epic war game with more than 26 custom heroes and 70 custom Items.

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Planet Doom V1.33 - Warcraft 3 Custom map: Mini map

Planet Doom V1.30
You 've been sent to the most dangerous place ever made. Just clean it to go back to the living world. Play that intense and epic war game with more than 26 custom heroes and 70 custom Items.

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Planet Doom V1.30 - Warcraft 3 Custom map: Mini map

Planet Doom V1.23
You 've been sent to the most dangerous place ever made. Just clean it to go back to the living world. Play that intense and epic war game with more than 26 custom heroes and 70 custom Items.

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Planet Doom V1.23 - Warcraft 3 Custom map: Mini map
Planet Doom V1.66 - Warcraft 3: Mini map

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