Battlefield In the Warcraft Sieve 32 - Warcraft 3: Custom Map avatar
1 Players

Battlefield In the Warcraft Sieve 32

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3 X 3

The player controls 1 unit
Unit death = The computer gives away its Unit and spends resources on preparing a new one

Игрок управляет 1 юнитом
Смерть юнита = Компьютер отдаёт своего Юнита и тратит ресурсы на подготовку нового

4 x 4 

The player controls 1 unit (3 Player )+ Classic development mode

Игрок управляет 1 юнитом ( 3 Игрока ) + Классический режим развития


Classic development mode

Классический режим развития

AI = Classic development mode 

ИИ = Классический режим развития

Last updated

06 April, 2022

Suggested players



Lordaeron Summer


64 x 94


Warcraft 3: Reforged compatible

This is an official map. The map is updated and suppported by: Xans . Join us on discord to get in touch with the map developers.

This map is compatible with Warcraft 3: Reforged.

This is the newest available map version.

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